quarta-feira, 13 de fevereiro de 2019

men's body type

We all know what type body we have, right? I mean, who doesn’t know if they’re short, tall, over or underweight, muscular or lean? I’m sure we’re all familiar with our physiques and know what they look like… but do you know the actual name of your body type and the typical characteristics that go along with it?
It’s a wise thing to know because understanding your body type, along with its strengths and weaknesses, can help you better manage your life and the many challenges so many of us encounter. Body type influences how we respond to food and exercise, and even dictates which clothing looks best on us. Designing your diet, wardrobe, and workout routine around your body type is instrumental in obtaining the image and life you want. By working with the body genetics gave you, instead of against it, you can achieve your “best” you – it just takes a little knowhow.
There are three basic body types: ectomorph, mesomorph, and endomorph. Because we’re human and didn’t pop out of a mold, many guys are a combination of body types and don’t fit into just one classification. If this applies to you, either choose the type or style that is most like you, or identify your particular characteristics within the different types and go from there. Either way, learning about your body type is empowering and can impact your life in many positive ways.

Body Types

Ectomorph: Known as a “Hardgainer”, the ectomorph body type is the leanest of the three types. Other traits include:
  • Fast metabolism
  • Difficulty gaining weight
  • Lean muscle mass
  • Very low body fat index
  • Very thin, often lanky
  • A small frame and delicate bone structure
  • Narrow or small shoulders
  • Underdeveloped chest
  • Any height, but is often seen in tall men

The greatest challenge ectomorphs have is gaining weight, hence the term” hardgainer”. Regardless of the reason, most have a fast metabolism that burns calories quicker than normal; making weight and muscle gain difficult. As a result, high caloric intake and customized workouts that focus on large muscle groups are needed, in order for the hardgainer to increase and maintain weight and muscle mass. Success is possible, but the process is often slow. Finding a suitable workout and diet is key. For more detailed information, see my article, Hardgainer.
Mesomorph: The most common male body type, mesomorphs have an advantage at the gym. Other traits include:
  • Athletic build
  • Well defined muscles
  • Big boned with a sturdy frame
  • Rectangular shaped body
  • Typically of average height
  • Gains muscle easily
  • Generally strong
  • Normal metabolism
  • Gains fat fairly easily

Mesomorphs, with their heavier bone and muscle structure, have an easy time of gaining muscle and maintaining an athletic physique. With a healthy metabolism that burns calories at a normal pace, the mesomorph can gain and lose weight easily. Still, attention should be given to his caloric intake, especially as he ages, since fat is no stranger to this body type. Bodybuilding routines are typical and require no special considerations like the Ectomorph’s does. Cardio should always be a part of his workout program, in order to maintain weight.
Endomorph: At the other end of the spectrum is the endomorph, whose body type is opposite the ectomorph. Other traits include:
  • Stocky, solid build
  • Typically shorter than average height
  • Thick arms and legs
  • Strong upper legs
  • Gains muscle easily
  • Slow metabolism
  • Undefined, soft muscles
  • Gains muscle and fat very easily
  • Difficulty losing fat

Endomorphs have the potential to gain muscle quickly with the appropriate bodybuilding workout. Cardio is always recommended for weight control, which is often a challenge when the metabolism is slow. This body type also needs to maintain a balanced caloric intake to avoid excess weight gain.
Knowing your body type and its typical characteristics help explain and give insight to the many unknowns and challenges men often deal with when dieting and bodybuilding. It’s one more tool to use to maximize your greatest assets, while minimizing the rest. There’s tons of information online regarding the various body types and methods to enhance the lives they’re attached to. Take advantage of this knowledge and watch yourself morph into a better you!

---------- There’s tons of information online regarding the various body types and methods to enhance the lives they’re attached to. Take advantage of this knowledge and watch yourself morph into a better you!
The Rectangle (Picture: Cavendish) Straight up and down. This is one of the most common body shapes, and four in 10 guys have a rectangle figure. The torso is fairly flat, and there’s little change in shape or tapering once you reach the hips. Celebs from David Beckham to Harry Styles fall in the rectangle category The Oval (PIcture: Cavendish) James Corden is the perfect example of an oval, which is the second most-common body shape among UK men. More than a quarter (26%) of guys, including the likes of Corden, Elton John and Boris Johnson fall into the Oval category, which is defined by excess weight stored in the upper half of the body. The Triangle (Picture: Cavendish) You know that classic ‘pear-shape’ people bang on about in women’s fashion? Well when you’re a guy, it’s got a much ‘manlier’ name: the Triangle. This is the third most-common body shape, typified by carrying a little excess weight around the middle, which is shared by 14% of British men. Celebrity Triangles include David Walliams and Michael McIntyre. The Inverted Triangle (Picture: Cavendish) This is one of the rarest body shapes, shared by just 5% of the UK’s male population. This is where the upper half of the body has broad shoulder and carries excess muscle, and the shape noticeably tapers down to the waist, while the hips are noticeably smaller. Famous examples include Fastest Man Alive Usain Bolt, and Hollywood actor Jason Statham. The Rhomboid (Picture: Cavendish) Last but not least is the Rhomboid. This is the second rarest of all the shapes, just 13% of men fall into the Rhomboid category. Rhomboid celebs like Daniel Craig, David Gandy and countless athletes share this body shape, which differs slightly from the rectangle in that the shoulders are more well-built, meaning they protrude slightly in comparision.
The Rectangle (Picture: Cavendish) Straight up and down. This is one of the most common body shapes, and four in 10 guys have a rectangle figure. The torso is fairly flat, and there’s little change in shape or tapering once you reach the hips. Celebs from David Beckham to Harry Styles fall in the rectangle category The Oval (PIcture: Cavendish) James Corden is the perfect example of an oval, which is the second most-common body shape among UK men. More than a quarter (26%) of guys, including the likes of Corden, Elton John and Boris Johnson fall into the Oval category, which is defined by excess weight stored in the upper half of the body. The Triangle (Picture: Cavendish) You know that classic ‘pear-shape’ people bang on about in women’s fashion? Well when you’re a guy, it’s got a much ‘manlier’ name: the Triangle. This is the third most-common body shape, typified by carrying a little excess weight around the middle, which is shared by 14% of British men. Celebrity Triangles include David Walliams and Michael McIntyre. The Inverted Triangle (Picture: Cavendish) This is one of the rarest body shapes, shared by just 5% of the UK’s male population. This is where the upper half of the body has broad shoulder and carries excess muscle, and the shape noticeably tapers down to the waist, while the hips are noticeably smaller. Famous examples include Fastest Man Alive Usain Bolt, and Hollywood actor Jason Statham. The Rhomboid (Picture: Cavendish) Last but not least is the Rhomboid. This is the second rarest of all the shapes, just 13% of men fall into the Rhomboid category. Rhomboid celebs like Daniel Craig, David Gandy and countless athletes share this body shape, which differs slightly from the rectangle in that the shoulders are more well-built, meaning they protrude slightly in comparison to the hips. MORE: Reebok has hopped on the rompers for men trend

Read more: https://metro.co.uk/2017/05/21/there-are-only-five-male-body-shapes-according-to-health-experts-6650097/?ito=cbshare
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Code of behaviour2019

  • Easy to have  good manners  – These basic rules of proper etiquette are mostly common sense with a healthy dose of the Golden Rule thrown in for good measure.
  • Be on time  – No one likes to wait for others who are chronically late. However, there are times when being late is out of your control.
  • Personal space  – When you see someone squirming as you step closer back off a bit. Every culture has different comfort levels of personal space, so before you travel, find out how close you can get to people without being rude.
  • Menmanners  – This one is simple: All you have to do is be a gentleman. Rudeness is never manly.
  • Womenmanners  – You can be a lady and still show strength. Times have changed, and some rules have become outdated, but it's always appropriate to be mannerly.
  • Teens�manners  – Show everyone how grown up you are by demonstrating good manners. Chances are, if you exhibit proper etiquette, you'll earn respect and maybe even more privileges.
  • Childrenmanners  – Be the kid everyone wants to play with. Even grownups will want to be around you if you're polite.


Regardless of who you are, you’ll have the need to communicate throughout life. Being a good communicator can do a variety of things for you, including sharing important information, winning people to your side, and raising your children.

Learning to communicate:

  • Conversation  – Learn how to hold a decent conversation, with back-and-forth dialogue. Never monopolize a discussion, or you may find yourself stuck in a corner trying to figure out why others are walking a wide berth around you.
  • Gossip  – Never gossip. Not only is it bad form, if word ever got back to the person you were talking about, you can pretty much be assured you’ll be the subject of the next gossip session.
  • Peoplenames  – Everyone has one, and most people appreciate your effort to learn their names if you spend more than a minute or two talking with them. This applies to social and business contacts.
  • Cell phones  – In a nutshell, use your  cell phone  sparingly in public. No one else wants to listen in on a private conversation or wait while you text someone the latest Internet joke. And whatever you do, ignore your phone while you're checking out at the cash register. Texting or chatting on the phone is rude to the cashier and the people behind you.
  • Email  – Think before you hit “send.” Most electronic mail can never be taken back.

  • Social media  – Facebook, Twitter, and other social media are part of most people’s lives. Remember that not only can your friends see what you post, others can repost, copy, share, or retweet anything you put out there.
  • Rude questions  – We have all gotten them. There are ways to deal with them and not come across as snarky. If you're not sure how to answer a rude question, don't say anything. Just smile and change the subject.
  • How to Graciously Change the Subject  - There are times certain things shouldn't be discussed, and it's up to you to shift the conversation.


If you share a meal with anyone, learn proper table manners. No one wants to sit across the table from a slob who talks with his mouth open or snorts milk through his nose.

Learn proper table manners:

  • Basic table manners  – Follow the basics that apply to almost every dining situation. If having your elbows on the table makes it rock, take them off the table. Put your napkin in your lap, use the flatware starting with the one farthest from the plate, and don't talk with your mouth full.
  • Restaurant manners  – Learn all about how to conduct yourself when dining out. Arrive before your scheduled reservation, be polite to your server, keep your voice at a conversational level, and be a generous tipper.
  • Formal dinner party  – Know how to act at a formal dinner party, including which  utensils  to use for each course. If you're ever in doubt about which fork goes with each course, look to the host or hostess and follow them.


Business is a funny animal. On the one hand, the bottom line is considered the most important factor. However, if you get down to the nitty gritty, most people look at  business etiquette  and manners as essential to even get to the bottom line. There is a social element to most offices, so observe protocol and remember that your behavior will affect your future.

How to have good manners in business:

  • Business relationships  – Knowing how to form and maintain business relationships can provide job security and a healthy bottom line. It's a good idea to limit personal conversations at the office on a need-to-know basis. Be a good team player, don't make annoying sounds that might distract others, and offer to assist coworkers if they need help.
  • Proper attire  – Know how to dress in any situation. If your office has "casual Fridays," don't dress like you're going to the beach. It's still a work environment and should be treated with respect.
  • Getting ahead  – Learn what is expected in order to get ahead in your business. Show up on time, do a good job, and maintain a positive attitude.
  • Office cubicles  – Cubicle-dwelling can be trying during the best of times. Knowing how to work closely with others is essential for anyone in an office. Be polite and respectful to those who work around you. Keep noise, smells, and any other distractions to a minimum.
  • Shaking hands  – A decent handshake can give someone a good first impression, and we all know that you only have one shot at that.

  • Business gifts  – It’s always fun to give someone a gift to celebrate a  special occasion, a promotion, or a job well done. Make sure your gift is appropriate to the setting and occasion. You would never want to embarrass someone with a personal or inappropriate gift.
  • Acknowledge others – When someone comes up with a brilliant idea or does something others need to know about, be the first to congratulate him or her. Do this in meetings or in front of the boss to show that you are a team player. Never take credit for someone else's work.

Courtesy and Respect

Socially correct behavior is all about observing The Golden Rule you learned in childhood -- treating others the way you want to be treated. This means acknowledging their presence with a pleasant greeting, always remembering to say "please" and "thank you," respecting their privacy, opinions and possessions, and being a thoughtful and considerate guest, whether it is for a dinner or a weekend stay. Opening doors, giving up your seat on public transportation or simply lending a helpful hand to someone in need without anyone asking are all demonstrations of proper manners. To this etiquette list is added the necessity of giving others your undivided attention by not texting, taking or making cell phone calls, or reading a book while they're trying to interact with you.


Just because you have many things to say doesn't mean you're entitled to dominate every conversation, constantly interrupt others when they're talking, or engage in loud, abrasive arguments if someone disagrees with you. If you are a socially refined person, you understand why you have one mouth and two ears and use them accordingly to encourage others, keep an open mind, eschew gossip and practice discretion. The authors of "Social Graces: Manners, Conversation, and Charm for Today" advise that you not only avoid controversial topics when meeting others for the first time but that you steer clear as well of personal questions that might make them uncomfortable. If you inadvertently offend someone or make a mistake, the socially responsible thing to do is apologize as soon as possible.


Everyone likes to know they are appreciated for kindnesses they have performed, writes Peggy Post, author of "Emily Post's Etiquette." Whether it's a card, a present or a favor, there's no excuse for not taking the time to express what it meant to you. In an earlier era, this was by way of a handwritten note. The advent of technology, however, has reduced this simple courtesy to emails, voice mails, text messages or, sadly, no "thank you" at all. No matter how busy you are, keep in mind it will probably take you less time to compose a thoughtful response than it took your recipient to do the kind deed initially. Another important tradition that has fallen by the wayside is the gracious acknowledgment of social invitations. Never leav

segunda-feira, 4 de fevereiro de 2019

Hearts design

 Hearts design

Streets of a village are not with asphalt ,streets of citiees have asphalt ,sounds are likely very  very coordinated  chaotic ,not by me ,as I hear,Smells are withotu smell ,circuit  didnt' had summer vacantion.
2 friends have a call at a street cabin  in witch  they declare a finded fortune,a fortune covered by diamonds codes:
- i study diamonds value,gemms
- i'm the onlu one
- don't see priests so much
-In witch country you are?
-i change coutry by people that support me usually
-What are your favorite hours?
-at night people make love
-and then  you arrive later?
-totmorow later
-bring cookies
-let's have a party
-by walk,by drive
-give me again yout phone number
-noises of left ,straight are very loudly outside.
-how many gemms did you calculate?
-enough ,i get tired ,let's smoke
Where do you think will stay later,outside is cold
-is true cold
-in summer is much better
-feel drunk
-i think about money
-Tell when you are arrived arrived
-i'm the only interested in gemms,my priests adventure is not a joke..ha ha
- i love your purse.

   Released of noises had attitudesor no ,can be or not  be said that man hearts become smaller ,don't have warm eyes, don't exist lion heart,exist lioness that didn't die in her make-up.Not so finded .Masculine has the fable of my crow.



មិត្តភក្តិ 2 នាក់បានហៅទូរស័ព្ទនៅតាមឡានតាមផ្លូវថាជាមេធ្មប់ដែលពួកគេបានប្រកាសទ្រព្យសម្បត្តិដែលជាសំណាងគ្របដណ្តប់ដោយលេខកូដពេជ្រ:

- ខ្ញុំសិក្សាពីពេជ្រតម្លៃត្បូង

- ខ្ញុំជា onlu មួយ

- មិនបានឃើញពួកសង្ឃខ្លាំងពេកទេ

- នៅក្នុងប្រទេសមេធ្មប់អ្នកគឺជា?

- ខ្ញុំផ្លាស់ប្តូរទម្លាប់ដោយមនុស្សដែលគាំទ្រខ្ញុំ


- នៅពេលយប់មនុស្សបង្កើតស្នេហា

- ហើយបន្ទាប់មកអ្នកមកនៅពេលក្រោយ?

-totmowow ក្រោយមក



- ដោយដើរដោយបើកបរ


-noises នៃខាងឆ្វេង, ត្រង់គឺខ្លាំងណាស់នៅខាងក្រៅខ្លាំង។


- គ្រប់យ៉ាងខ្ញុំអស់កម្លាំងចូរជក់បារី


- គឺជាត្រជាក់ពិត

- នៅរដូវក្តៅគឺល្អប្រសើរជាងមុន




- ខ្ញុំគ្រាន់តែចាប់អារម្មណ៍នឹងត្បូងពេជ្រប៉ុណ្ណោះហើយបូជាចារ្យរបស់ខ្ញុំផ្សងព្រេងមិនមែនជារឿងកំប្លែងទេ .. ha ha

- ខ្ញុំស្រឡាញ់កាបូបរបស់អ្នក។

   បញ្ចេញសម្លេងរំខានមានអ្នកដង្ហែរមិនអាចត្រូវបាននិយាយថាបេះដូងរបស់បុរសតូចៗមិនមានភ្នែកកក់ក្ដៅគ្មានបេះដូងសត្វតោមានសត្វតោដែលមិនស្លាប់នៅក្នុងការតុបតែងមុខរបស់នាង។ កុលសម្ព័ន្ធមានរឿងកំប្លែងរបស់ខ្ញុំ។
karorochna behdaung

 phlauv nei phoumi muoy min mean koumnr etchay te phlauvothnal robsa tikrong mean kral kawsaou samleng tomnongchea mean pheap vukavr khlang nasa minmen daoy khnhom te dauchdel khnhom ban lu klen mean klenosaoy anhchung min mean dambaul now rdauv ktaw .

 mittaphokte 2  neak ban haw toursapt now tam lan tamophlauv tha chea methmob del puokke ban brakeasa tropyosambotte del chea saamnang krob d nt b daoy lekh kaud pechr:

-  khnhom seksaa pi pechr tamlei tbaung

-  khnhom chea onlu muoy

-  min bankheunh puok sangkh khlangpek te

-  nowknong bratesa methmob anak kuchea?

-  khnhom phlasa btau r tomleab daoy mnoussa del keatr khnhom

 tae maong del anak chaulchett?

-  now peloyb mnoussa bangkeut snehea

-  haey banteabmk anak mk now pelokraoy?

-totmowow kraoyomk

 khau khi

- taoh chblieng

-  daoy daer daoy baekabr

 phtal aoy khnhom mtong tiet lekhtoursapt anak

-noises  nei khangochhveng,  trang ku khlang nasa now khangokraw khlang .

 tae anak ban konnea chamnuon tbaung aveikhleah?

-  krobyeang khnhom asakamleang chaur chkbari

 tae anak kitthea nung snaknow kanlengna now pelokraoy now khangokraw trachak?

-  kuchea trachak pit

-  now rdauv ktaw ku la brasaer cheang moun


 khnhom kit ampi brak

 brab tha nowpel anak mokadl mokadl

-  khnhom kreante chabarommo nung tbaungpechr bonnaoh haey baucha cha ry robsakhnhom phsaangopreng minmen chea rueng kambleng te .. ha ha

-  khnhom sraleanh kabaub robsa anak .

    banhchenh samleng romkhan mean anak danghe r min ach trauv ban niyeay tha behdaung robsa borsa tauch  min mean phnek kkkdaw kmean behdaung satv tao mean satv tao del min slab nowknong kar tobteng moukh robsa neang .  kolosampnth mean rueng kambleng robsakhnho