domingo, 16 de setembro de 2018

Graphic USA army /legion/U.S. Secret Service



mexican house

 interactive graphic novel


1st Foreign Regiment (1st RE): We are all volunteers

We are all volunteers,
The guys from the first place.
Our motto is legendary,
Honor Fidelity-Loyalty,
Legionary Marchons,
In the mud, in the burning sand,
Let's walk the light soul
and the valiant heart,
March Legionnaires

We walk happily in rhythm
Despite the wind, despite the rain
The best soldiers of France
Are there in front of you, here they are

Wherever the fight is raging
We see the First Foreigner
Example of courage heroism
Cover yourself with glorious laurels

Let's keep in the bottom of our souls
The memory of our elders
And for the seven-flame grenade
Loyal, ready to sacrifice everything

2nd Foreign Infantry Regiment (2nd REI): Anne-Marie of the 2nd REI

Anne-Marie, where is the journey going,
Anne-Marie, where is the journey going,
She goes to the city
Where the soldiers are.
One two Three
Young, young, young Anne-Marie

Anne-Marie, today we want to be funny,
Anne-Marie, today we want to be funny,
We want to go dancing
And we rotate in circles.
One two Three
Young, young, young Anne-Marie.

3rd Foreign Infantry Regiment (3rd REI): Anne-Marie du 3e REi
My name is Anne-Marie
Everyone knows me already
I am the daughter of the whole battalion

My regiment, my homeland
My mother never knew me
My father died early in the field, yes field
I am alone in this world. (to)

Anne-Marie, this is my Nam '
I got from the regiment
I leave my whole life, yes, me
For the battalion I die. (to)

If the regiment marches out early
The tambour rumbles its drum
I do not trade with any Furstin, yes
She does not live happier than me. (to)

I do not like an officer
Because he promises the girl a lot
It's supposed to be a Legionaer, yes
I give him my heart alone. (to)

4th Foreign Regiment (4e RE): C'est le "4

The column
It's the four singing that advances
Who walks forward, Let him go.

Through stones and dunes,
Go away white kepis.
Under the sun, clear moon,
We walk singing ..
To Bechar or to Casa,
In all directions,
We go back to the fight,
For the glory of the Legion.

On the slopes of Corbières,
We go on a mission.
A column of green berets,
Goes to the instruction.
To the Jasse or to Bel-Air
In all directions
Become a legionnaire,
This is our only ambition.

A column of the Foreign Legion
Advance in the wheat in Syria
The head of the column is formed
By the First Foreigner of Cavalry

Druze advance to battle
Forward legionaries to the enemy
The bravest in combat as always
It is the First Foreigner of Cavalry

A legionary falls hit by a bullet
Goodbye my parents my friends
All my faults I have expiated
First Horseman of Cavalry

On his grave a simple cross stands
On which these words alone are inscribed
He served honest and faithful
First Horseman of Cavalry
Legion walks to the front

We are the men of the assault troops,
Soldiers of the old Legion
Tomorrow brandishing our Flags
As winners we will parade
We do not only have weapons
But the devil is walking with us.
Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, because our elders of the Legion
Fighting there, we follow suit.

Legion walks to the front
In singing we follow,
Heirs of his traditions
We are with them.

For this knight destiny,
Honor, Fidelity,
We are proud to belong
At the 2nd REP.

The pennant slams and rises

To be the first you had to age!

The pennant slams and rises
Above the Roman bridge.
Legionnaire walks without truce
In the footsteps of our elders
The medals are ringing on the apron,
On the shoulder shines the ax of the pioneer.
Honor loyalty.
First foreign engineer regiment
Seven-flame pomegranate on your cuirass shines.
Honor loyalty.

While probing, the bayonets
Sing all the same chorus,
It must be clear
Deminer all the ground.
Grapples raise trapped mines,
We must advance in defiance of danger.
Honor loyalty.
First foreign engineer regiment
Seven-flame pomegranate on your cuirass shines.
Honor loyalty.

One motto on the lips:
Legio patria nostra.
The flamethrower opens the door
Legionnaire you will serve.
When the green and red of your pennant pops up
It is the rout in the enemy ranks.
Honor loyalty.
First foreign engineer regiment
Fighter without fear and without respite.
Honor loyalty.

Nothing prevent

Refrain: In the cold, the turmoil, to death to life Nothing prevents the second genius stranger. (bis) 1. From rice mud to Tonkin plateaus Honor, Fidelity for single chorus Fire, water and earth as the only universe He advances and fights, the legionary sapper, Breaking all assaults when shrapnel explodes In this land of Indo where so many elders rest. 2. Today the memory rings the reminder. We, legionnaires of 2, answer the call. Open, trace the road is for the regiment To pass without cost, this is our oath Faith, valor and courage as the only legacy No obstacle and no man to stop us. 3. On the peaks of the Alpe when the fight resonates The crash of lightning and the thunderstorm In front of white kepis, to us the big spaces. In any place at any time, we have to face. Meeting the challenges is our ambition. Never fail, it's our tradition.

Under the burning African sun

Refrain: Long live the Foreign Legion And when parade the white kepis If their pace is not slight They all wear high heads and proud And dashing into the furnace Happy heart, never shaking At the sound of our Marseillaise Know how to fight white kepis 1. Under the burning African sun Cochinchina, Madagascar A magnificent phalanx Floated our standards. His motto Honor and Valor Form of brave soldiers His flag, that of France Is a most glorious emblem 2. It's a thing of importance Legion discipline Chief's love, obedience Are pure tradition And for our dear France All these foreigners bravely Come to defend the homeland With honor and dedication.

Soldiers of the Foreign Legion

1. Soldiers of the Foreign Legion Fought Everywhere in Algeria Many fell, brave legionaries For the Legion, which is our homeland 2. Like our elders We will defend Algeria Against the Devil And the fellaghas With our flags, Honor, Fidelity We will fall or we will fight. (bis)

Conquering volunteers

Refrain: Conquer volunteers, to make legionaries The Recruitment Group is the mission Conquer volunteers to make legionaries Our brother Regiments are waiting, our harvest. 1. From the country of coron To that of santons From Bigouden country At the meanders of the Rhine Beyond the borders of France Recruiters go and inform So that floats with all the winds, the colors of the pennant Let our motto - Honor and Loyalty - be remembered, Glory to the Legion. 2. From all continents Come to live differently The Legion reaches out Hope for a tomorrow From G.R.L.E., they are the breeding ground Volunteers from around the world So that floats with all the winds, the colors of the pennant Let our motto - Honor and Loyalty - be remembered, Glory to the Legion. 3. Leave your ordinary, For a life of Legionnaire Joined the most valiant The ranks of white kepis The spirit of Camerona will guide you The example of the old ones will follow So that floats with all the winds, the colors of the pennant Let our motto - Honor and Loyalty - be remembered, Glory to the Legion

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