sexta-feira, 22 de março de 2019

Hitted ocean

Straße hat ein Fenster mit einer Videokamera auf einem geöffneten tend.Is ein Abstand vom Haus bis zur Ansicht.

Ich habe Zeit damit verbracht, die Entfernung zum Fenster zu sehen.

Ist irgendwo ein Fenster.

Regengeräusche sind für meinen Meditationshautsinn gemacht, Von einer Wand, Geschenke von meiner Liebe.

Ist Sommer draußen

Minzgrüne Tropfen, Gerüche in der Schublade, Minze, wenn Türen ein materielles Problem haben, sind sie kaum getroffen.

Er kam gestern noch nie abgereist.

Wird Ehe in Diamanten genannt.

Meine Musik ist laut ussulay. Ich lerne mittlerweile Texte für mich.

Auf der Rückseite eines Stuhls ist Staub. Und gestern war es nicht. Immer noch riecht es nach Minze.

Wir suchen niemals Gott.

Mein Nachbar nimmt seinen Verlobten auf.
Street has a window with a video camera on a open tend.Is A DISTANCE FROM HOUSE TILL the view.

I spent time viewing distance,to the window.

Is somwhere a window.

Rain sounds are made for my meditation skin sense,From a wall ,gifts from my love.

Is summer outside

Drops of mint green,in drawer smells,mint were doors have a material issue,they are litlle hitted.

He came yesterday never left.

Is called marriage in diamonds.

My music is loud ussulay .I meanwhile learn lyrics for me.

In backside of a chair is dust.and wasn't yestrday.Still smells mint.

We never search god.

My neighbout tapes his fiance.

He dreams my engagemnt,witch I dream.

Rue a une fenêtre avec une caméra vidéo sur une tendance ouverte.Est une distance de la maison jusqu'à la vue.

J'ai passé du temps à regarder la distance, à la fenêtre.

Est quelque part une fenêtre.

Les sons de pluie sont faits pour mon sens de peau de méditation, d'un mur, des cadeaux de mon amour.

L'été est dehors

Des gouttes de menthe verte, des odeurs de tiroir, de menthe où les portes ont un problème matériel, elles sont un peu frappées.

Il est venu hier n'est jamais parti.

Est appelé le mariage en diamants.

Ma musique est ussulay bruyante. En attendant, j'apprends les paroles pour moi.

À l'arrière d'une chaise, il y a de la poussière et ce n'était pas hier.Il sent toujours la menthe.

Nous ne cherchons jamais dieu.

Mon voisin enregistre son fiancé.

Il rêve de mon engagement, je rêve de la sorcière.

ផ្លូវមានបង្អួចមួយដែលមានកាមេរ៉ាវីដេអូនៅលើការបើកចំហមួយ tends.Is មួយ DISTANCE ពីផ្ទះរហូតដល់ទិដ្ឋភាព។





ការធ្លាក់ចុះនៃពណ៌បៃតងអន្ទាក់, នៅក្នុង smell ថត, អណ្តូងរ៉ែគឺទ្វារមានបញ្ហាសម្ភារៈ, ពួកគេត្រូវបាន hitlle litlle ។



បទចម្រៀងរបស់ខ្ញុំគឺខ្លាំងណាស់។ ខ្ញុំនិយមន័យអត្ថបទចម្រៀងសម្រាប់ខ្ញុំ។

នៅខាងក្រោយកៅអីគឺមានធូលីដី។ ហើយមិនត្រូវបាន yestrday ។ នៅតែមានក្លិនអន្ទាក់។



phlauv mean bangauoch muoy del mean kamerea videau now leu kar baekchamh muoy tends.Is muoy DISTANCE  pi phteah rhautadl tidthpheap .

 khnhom ban chamnaypel meul phlieng ku tow bangauoch .

 nowkanleng namuoy now leu bangauoch .

 samleng phlieng trauv ban bangkeut laeng samreab sanhnhean sameathi robsakhnhom pi chonhcheang amnaoy pi kdei sraleanh robsakhnhom .

 now rdauv ktaw khangokraw

 kar thleakchoh nei pnrbaitng anteak, nowknong smell  tht,  a ntau ng re ku tvear mean banhhea samphear,  puokke trauv ban hitlle litlle  .

 keat ban mk kalpi msailminh min del chakchenh te .

 trauv ban ke hawtha apa pipea nowknong pechr .

 batochamrieng robsakhnhom ku khlang nasa .  khnhom niyomny atthabt chamrieng samreab khnhom .

 now khangokraoy kawei ku mean thouli dei .  haey min trauv ban yestrday  .  nowte mean klen anteak .

 yeung min del svengork preah te .

 khsae del mean anakchitkheang robsakhnhom ku kou d ntoe ng robsa keat .

 keat so be nt ktei so be nt robsakhnhom .

terça-feira, 19 de março de 2019

Hitted ocean partIV

Quand je suis entré dans ma garde-robe, 10 paires de chaussettes étaient en lin pour l'hiver et 3 en coton pour l'automne, je me rends compte que ma porte avait une porte avec différents matériaux qui étaient vieux, quand je ne les personnalise pas.

Je fabrique différentes tailles de verre qui sont laissées dans le dos et que je colle à la fin. C’est un verre décoré de verre rond, carré, triangulaire gris foncé et blanc.

J'avais un mur que je changeais toutes les semaines, les week-ends. Je crée un fond d'écran à l'exemple.Je fais un fond d'écran et je change.

Nous buvons du cacao.

De petits arbres entrent dans une vieille fenêtre, un espace caché dans la cour arrière. Nous avons fait une fête, il chante une chanson qui se répète en refrain toute la nuit, par des invités, des chansons de vin.

La température est inférieure à 15 degrés, au printemps et ma télévision annonce de la pluie.
Temperature in below 15 grades,in spring an my tv announce rain.
Als ich in meinem Kleiderschrank 10 Paar Socken aus Leinen für den Winter und 3 aus Baumwolle für den Herbst betrete, stelle ich fest, dass meine Tür eine Tür mit verschiedenen Materialien hatte, die alt waren, wenn ich sie nicht personalisiere.

Ich stelle verschiedene Glasgrößen her, die an den Rückseiten eingelassen sind, die ich am Ende aufklebe .Ist eine runde, quadratische, dreieckige graue, dunkle und weiße Glasfarbe.

Ich hatte eine Wand, die ich jede letzte Woche am Wochenende ändere. Ich erstelle am Beispiel ein Desktop-Hintergrundbild. Ich erstelle ein Desktop-Hintergrundbild und ändere es.

Wir trinken Kakao.

Kleine Bäume treten in ein altes Fenster ein, versteckter Hinterhofraum. Wir haben eine Party veranstaltet. Er singt ein Lied, das die ganze Nacht unterlassen wird, von Gästen, Weinliedern.
When in enter in my wardrobe  10pair of socks were made from linen for winter and 3 from cotton for autumn,I realize that my  close had a door with with different materials that a were old,when i don't personalize them.

I make different glass sizes that  are let in backsides witch i stick at the end .Is a glass arangament round,square,triangular grey dark and white glass colur.

I had a wall that i change every final week,in week-ends .I create a desktop wallpaper at example.I make a desktop wallpaper and i change.

We bouth drink cocoa.

Smll trees enter in a old window,hidden backyard space,We we made a party ,he sing a song that repeat in refrain all night, by guests,wine songs.
នៅពេលចូលក្នុងទូខោអាវរបស់ខ្ញុំ 10 ដងនៃស្រោមជើងត្រូវបានធ្វើពីក្រណាត់សម្រាប់រដូវរងារនិង 3 ពីកប្បាសសម្រាប់រដូវស្លឹកឈើជ្រុះខ្ញុំដឹងថាជិតស្និទ្ធរបស់ខ្ញុំមានទ្វារដែលមានសម្ភារៈផ្សេងគ្នាដែលចាស់ៗនៅពេលខ្ញុំមិនធ្វើផ្ទាល់ខ្លួន។

ខ្ញុំធ្វើទំហំកញ្ចក់ខុសគ្នាដែលត្រូវបានអនុញ្ញាតឱ្យនៅខាងក្រោយមេធ្មប់ខ្ញុំបិទនៅចុងបញ្ចប់។ វាជារង្វង់អង្កត់ធ្នូជុំកញ្ចក់រាងកែងកញ្ចក់ពណ៌ខ្មៅនិងពណ៌ស។

ខ្ញុំមានជញ្ជាំងដែលខ្ញុំផ្លាស់ប្តូររៀងរាល់សប្តាហ៍ចុងសប្តាហ៍នៅចុងសប្តាហ៍។ ខ្ញុំបង្កើតផ្ទាំងរូបភាពលើផ្ទៃតុនៅឧទាហរណ៍។ ខ្ញុំបង្កើតផ្ទាំងរូបភាពលើផ្ទៃតុហើយខ្ញុំប្តូរ។



សីតុណ្ហភាពនៅខាងក្រោម 15 ថ្នាក់នៅនិទាឃរដូវទូរទស្សន៍របស់ខ្ញុំផ្សាយភ្លៀង។
nowpel chaul knong tou khaoav robsakhnhom 10  dng nei sraomcheung trauv ban thveu pi kraneat samreab rdauvornga rning 3  pi kabbasa samreab rdauv sloekchheu chrouh khnhom doeng tha chitasnetth robsakhnhom mean tvear del mean samphear phsaengoknea del chasa  nowpel khnhom min thveu phtalkhluon .

 khnhom thveu tomham kanhchok khosaknea del trauv ban anounhnhat aoy now khangokraoy methmob khnhom bet now chongobanhchob .  vea chea rongvong angkotthnou choum kanhchok reang keng kanhchok pnrkhmaw ning pnrsa .

 khnhom mean chonhcheang del khnhom phlasa btau r riengreal sa bta  chong sa bta  now chong sa bta  .  khnhom bangkeut phtang roubpheap leu phtaito now uteahar .  khnhom bangkeut phtang roubpheap leu phtaito haey khnhom btau r .

 yeung phoek kakav .

 daemchheu tauch  chaul knong bangauoch chasa kanleng leak touk yeung ban thveu pithichblieng muoy keat chrieng batchamrieng muoy del niyeay mdong haey mdongtiet now krobtisati daoy phnhiev chrieng sra .

 seitonhaphap now khangokraom 15  thnak now niteakhordauv tourotossaa robsakhnhom phsaay phlieng .
Quand je suis entré dans ma garde-robe, 10 paires de chaussettes étaient en lin pour l'hiver et 3 en coton pour l'automne, je me rends compte que ma porte avait une porte avec différents matériaux qui étaient vieux, quand je ne les personnalise pas.

Je fabrique différentes tailles de verre qui sont laissées dans le dos et que je colle à la fin. C’est un verre décoré de verre rond, carré, triangulaire gris foncé et blanc.

J'avais un mur que je changeais toutes les semaines, les week-ends. Je crée un fond d'écran à l'exemple.Je fais un fond d'écran et je change.

Nous buvons du cacao.

De petits arbres entrent dans une vieille fenêtre, un espace caché dans la cour arrière. Nous avons fait une fête, il chante une chanson qui se répète en refrain toute la nuit, par des invités, des chansons de vin.

La température est inférieure à 15 degrés, au printemps et ma télévision annonce de la pluie.

Quand je suis entré dans ma garde-robe, 10 paires de chaussettes étaient en lin pour l'hiver et 3 en coton pour l'automne, je me rends compte que ma porte avait une porte avec différents matériaux qui étaient vieux, quand je ne les personnalise pas.

Je fabrique différentes tailles de verre qui sont laissées dans le dos et que je colle à la fin. C’est un verre décoré de verre rond, carré, triangulaire gris foncé et blanc.

J'avais un mur que je changeais toutes les semaines, les week-ends. Je crée un fond d'écran à l'exemple.Je fais un fond d'écran et je change.

Nous buvons du cacao.

De petits arbres entrent dans une vieille fenêtre, un espace caché dans la cour arrière. Nous avons fait une fête, il chante une chanson qui se répète en refrain toute la nuit, par des invités, des chansons de vin.

La température est inférieure à 15 degrés, au printemps et ma télévision annonce de la pluie.

Quand je suis entré dans ma garde-robe, 10 paires de chaussettes étaient en lin pour l'hiver et 3 en coton pour l'automne, je me rends compte que ma porte avait une porte avec différents matériaux qui étaient vieux, quand je ne les personnalise pas.

Je fabrique différentes tailles de verre qui sont laissées dans le dos et que je colle à la fin. C’est un verre décoré de verre rond, carré, triangulaire gris foncé et blanc.

J'avais un mur que je changeais toutes les semaines, les week-ends. Je crée un fond d'écran à l'exemple.Je fais un fond d'écran et je change.

Nous buvons du cacao.

De petits arbres entrent dans une vieille fenêtre, un espace caché dans la cour arrière. Nous avons fait une fête, il chante une chanson qui se répète en refrain toute la nuit, par des invités, des chansons de vin.

La température est inférieure à 15 degrés, au printemps et ma télévision annonce de la pluie.

sábado, 16 de março de 2019

Hitted ocean partIII

នៅពេលយប់ត្រូវបាន sseen កន្ទុយឆ្លងកាត់ .we vivst cabi មួយ។ យើងបានមកវិញ!

នៅលើអាកាសគឺជាពេលវេលាដែលបានកន្លងផុតទៅគ្មាននរណាម្នាក់ត្រូវបានគេស្រឡាញ់ឡើយ។ ខ្ញុំទទួលបានក្លិនដូចទឹកដែលត្រូវបានជន់លិចដោយឧស្ម័ន។

ខ្ញុំស្លៀកពាក់ឧស្ម័ន។ ខ្មៅនៅពេលខ្ញុំទទួលទានក្រែមធ្វើពីផ្លែត្រឺរី cherry ពណ៌ខ្មៅ។

ឱសថដែលនៅក្នុងឱសថមួយ។ ខ្ញុំមានបណ្តាសានៃការដេកជាមួយខ្យល់ឧស្ម័ន។ ខ្ញុំជក់បារីលេខសម្គាល់នៅលើនិងការជក់បារី។


កណ្តឹងពីអ្នកជិតខាងនៅពេលពួកគេប្រយុទ្ធវាយប្រហារសមាធិរបស់ខ្ញុំ។ មាន clinket ជិតផ្ទះបាយតារាងនិងវាយ។

jewleries ទាំងអស់ត្រូវបាន engraed ជាមួយ endertainments របស់យើង។ សត្វមានតំលៃថ្លៃជាមួយ sprite ។


ខោខូវបែកជាមួយបទចម្រៀងមួយដែលមានលក្ខណៈពិសេសពិសេស។ ពួកគេត្រូវបានគេធ្វើឱ្យចំណាប់អារម្មណ៍ដៃធ្វើឡើង, ដៃបានអនុម័ត។
now peloyb trauv ban sseen  kantouy chhlangkat .we vivst cabi  muoy .  yeung ban mokvinh!

 now leu akasa kuchea pelvelea del ban kanlong phot tow kmean norna mneak trauv ban ke sraleanh laey .  khnhom ttuol ban klen dauch tuk del trauv ban chn lich daoy usmn .

 khnhom sliekpeak usmn .  khmaw nowpel khnhom ttuoltean krem thveu pi phle treu ri cherry  pnrkhmaw .

 aosath del nowknong aosath muoy .  khnhom mean b nta sa nei kar dek cheamuoy khyal usmn .  khnhom chkbari lekh samkeal now leu ning kar chkbari .

 khnhom pyeayeam rsanow kber samoutr .

 k ntoe ng pi anakchitkheang nowpel puokke brayoutth veayobrahear sameathi robsakhnhom . mean clinket  chit phteahbay tarang ning veay .

jewleries  teangoasa trauv ban engraed cheamuoy endertainments  robsa yeung .  satv mean tamlei thlai cheamuoy sprite  .

 now leu ok kuchea karoanounhnhat aoy bradeab bradea kmeng leng .

 khao kIn the night was sseen a fox passing.we vivst a cabi.We arrived back!
In the air is smee of passed night. I get, smells like water, that was flooded with gas.

I dress gas.bLACK WHEN I GET USE cream made from cherry, black cherry.

The herbs that are in a pharmaceutica .I have a curse of sleeping with air wioth gas.I smoke, do not smoke.

I stioll live close to the sea.

bells from neighbors when they fight, hit my meditation.have a clinket close to a kitchen table and hit.

jewleries are all engraved with our endertainments.Feel expensive with sprite.

On the chess was a let to toy.Coulour is greu, cheww was black and white.

WEE ENGRAVED WITH A SONG BEHIND SPECIALTY CRAVE. They were ususal things hand made, hand passed
 In der Luft ist eine Nacht vergangen. Ich bekomme, riecht nach Wasser, das mit Gas geflutet wurde.

Ich ziehe Gas an. SCHWARZ, WENN ICH BENUTZE Creme aus Kirsche, Schwarzkirsche.

Die Kräuter, die in einem Arzneimittel sind. Ich habe einen Fluch des Schlafens mit Luft mit Gas. Ich rauche, rauche nicht.

Ich lebe in der Nähe des Meeres.

Glocken von Nachbarn, wenn sie kämpfen, schlagen meine Meditation. Habe einen Klinker in der Nähe eines Küchentisches und drücke.

Alle Schmuckstücke sind mit unseren Belohnungen graviert. Fühlen Sie sich mit Sprite teuer.

Auf dem Schach war ein Spielzeug zu haben. Farbe ist grau, Kauen war schwarz und weiß.

Wir haben uns mit einem Lied hinter der Spezialität CRAVE eingraviert. Es waren übliche Dinge, die von Hand gemacht und übergeben wurden
Dans la nuit, on voyait passer un renard. On vivait un taxi. Nous sommes rentrés!

Dans l'air, c'est comme la nuit passée. J'ai une odeur d'eau qui a été inondée de gaz.

Je m'habille au gas.bLACK QUAND JE SUIS UTILISER une crème à base de cerise, cerise noire.

Les herbes qui sont dans une pharmacie. J'ai la malédiction de dormir avec de l'air gazeux.Je fume, ne fume pas.

Je vis près de la mer.

les cloches des voisins quand ils se battent, frappent ma méditation.avoir un clinket près d'une table de cuisine et frapper.

les bijoux sont tous gravés avec nos endertainments.Feel cher avec sprite.

Sur les échecs, on laissait jouer. La couleur est greu, cheww était en noir et blanc.

WEE GRAVÉ AVEC UNE CHANSON DERRIÈRE SPECIALTY CRAVE. C'étaient des choses d'usage faites à la main, passées à la main.
 In the night was sseen a fox passing.we vivst a cabi.We arrived back!

In the air is smee of passed night. I get, smells like water, that was flooded with gas.

I dress gas.bLACK WHEN I GET USE cream made from cherry, black cherry.

The herbs that are in a pharmaceutica .I have a curse of sleeping with air wioth gas.I smoke, do not smoke.

I stioll live close to the sea.

bells from neighbors when they fight, hit my meditation.have a clinket close to a kitchen table and hit.

jewleries are all engraved with our endertainments.Feel expensive with sprite.

On the chess was a let to toy.Coulour is greu, cheww was black and white.

WEE ENGRAVED WITH A SONG BEHIND SPECIALTY CRAVE. They were ususal things hand made, hand passed.

segunda-feira, 11 de março de 2019

Black woods

 black woods

Laser is end batery.
Mirrors have years of envy,almost  is a wood  without sunshine.
-Colours in red,dark lipstick can be matched  with a foundation  and black eyeliner ,some mascare.tought of entrance in wood.
Fard can stay inside of different  purse size  made of  from different  materials  or boxes ,or purses  can stay in paper.Can stay!
Hair drier   was photoscaped in different blitzes!
Not curly  with hair machines,black brown,red,blonde,pink green.
Gloss can be eated ,with  powder cheeks pink in tent.husky in woods!
Pencil eye pencil.Meditation of alives..Inuit songs of north pole with dogs,cursing.Face with lip pencil with pink lip-stick...ring ring.!

Tall with long legs,round cheeks,curves never visible ,founded in search.Hands simetric  with height ,somehow,gambs had a special walk on the street.




-Colours នៅក្នុងពណ៌ក្រហមងងឹតមុំអាចត្រូវបានផ្គូផ្គងជាមួយនឹងគ្រឹះនិង eyeliner ខ្មៅមួយចំនួន mascare.tought នៃការចូលទៅក្នុងឈើ។

Fard អាចស្ថិតនៅក្នុងទំហំកាបូបដែលធ្វើពីវត្ថុធាតុដើមឬកាបូបផ្សេងៗឬកាបូបអាចរក្សាទុកជាក្រដាស។ ស្នាក់នៅ!



ក្រមលាបអាចត្រូវបានបរិភោគដោយថ្ពាល់ក្រណាត់ពណ៌ផ្កាឈូកនៅក្នុងតង់។ ស្មុគស្មាញនៅក្នុងព្រៃ!

ទានភ្នែកខ្មៅដៃ។ ការធ្វើបទពិសោធន៏នៃការរស់រានមានជីវិត។ បទចំរៀងដែលមានស្នេហ៍ជ្រៅជាមួយសត្វឆ្កែ។ បបូរមាត់ជាមួយនឹងបបូរមាត់និងបបូរមាត់ពណ៌ទឹកក្រូច ... ។


ខ្ពស់ជាមួយនឹងជើងវែង, ថ្ពាល់ជុំ, កោងមិនអាចមើលឃើញ, បានបង្កើតឡើងនៅក្នុងការស្វែងរក។ simetric ដៃជាមួយកម្ពស់, ដូចម្ដេច, gambs បានដើរពិសេសនៅតាមផ្លូវ។
prei khmaw

 lasaer ku cheatibanhchob .

 kanhchok meankar chranen cheachraen chhnam staerte chea chheu daoy kmean ponlu preahatity .

-Colours  nowknong pnrkrahm ngngut moum ach trauv ban phkauphkang cheamuoynung kruah ning eyeliner  khmaw muoychamnuon mascare.tought  nei kar chaul tow knong chheu .

Fard  ach sthetnow knong tomham kabaub del thveu pi votthothatodaem ryy kabaub phsaeng  ryy kabaub ach roksaatouk chea kradeasa .  snaknow!

 measain samnguot sak trauv ban thatroub daoy blat khosa  knea!

 min roum ptth daoy measain sak pnrtnaot khmaw krahm svay pnrbaitng pnr phkachhouk .

 kram leab ach trauv ban briphok daoy thpal kraneat pnr phkachhouk nowknong tng .  smokosmanh nowknong prei!

 tean phnek khmawdai .  kar thveu bt pisaoth na nei karorsarean meanchivit .  batchamrieng del meanosne chrow cheamuoy satv chhke .  bbaurmat cheamuoynung bbaurmat ning bbaurmat pnr tukakrauch ...  .


 khpasa cheamuoynung cheungveng,  thpal choum,  kaong min ach meulkheunh,  ban bangkeut laeng nowknong kar svengork . simetric  dai cheamuoy kamposa,  dauchamdech, gambs  ban daer pisesa now tamophlauv .

Hitted ocean-partII

Hited Ocean-Teil II

Einmal in der Badewanne betritt ein Vogel von außen durch ein Fenster, welches Fenster! gemalt, Kirchenentwurf. Ich hatte einen im Eingang eines einladenden Raumes. Ich malte das Fenster in 8 Farben des Sonnenuntergangs. "Weder der eine noch der andere" malte den Fensternamen. Wahr dieses Fenster. Das runde Badezimmer fiel dann in eine Ecke. Ich habe den Vogel genommen, während ich die Flut hielt, und ich habe seinen Kopf mit seinen Händen geschlagen, denke ich. Ich habe es draußen gelassen.

Echte Tür.

- "Ich habe ein Möbelstück mit einer Zeichnung eines fremden Landes. Ich habe eine Karte mit Ländern, an die ich mich erinnern kann, woher, sagt ein Freund seines Freundes.

Wir treffen uns einmal an einer Seebrücke, einer kleinen Holzbrücke und Steinen. Wir zogen uns im Sommer an und wir waren noch im Frühling.

Frühling hat eine Ferse, verloren. Ich gehe im Sommer barfuß. Die Kette war ein nackter Kopf mit Köpfen. Rot mit Köpfen und Ketten mit Köpfen am Ende. Mit entzückenden wilden Tieren wie die eine oder die andere haben alle ein ereignis. Ich erinnere mich nicht an langweilige Tage.

Er ist es gewohnt, oft geschlagen zu werden. Viel Liebe, entspannen Sie sich in Testosteron, während ich das Gefühl habe, im Schloss zu leben, die Glastürräume waren eigentlich aus Holz.

Hited ocean-partIIHited ocean-partII

Once in the bath, a bird enters from the outside through a window, which window! painted, church design.I had one in the entrance of a welcoming space.I painted the window in 8 colors of sunset "Neither one nor the other" painted window name True this window.The round bathroom, then fell into a corner .. I took the bird while holding the tide and I hit his head with his hands, I think. I left it outside.

Real door.

- "I have a piece of furniture with a drawing of a foreign country.I have a map with countries to remember from where, says a friend of his friend.

We meet once at a sea bridge, a small wooden bridge and stones. We were getting dressed in the summer and we were still in the spring.

Spring has a heel, lost.I walk barefoot in summer..The chain was a bare head with heads.Red with heads and chains with heads at the end.With adorable wild animals.A documentary Animals Adored were passing our eyes in a day like one or the other, all have an event. I do not remember boring days.

He is used to being seen beaten often. Lots of love, relax in testosteron as I feel I live in the castle, the glass door spaces, were made of wood, actually.

 នៅពេលដែលងូតទឹកមួយកំណើតចូលពីខាងក្រៅពិតបង្អួច, អ្វីដែលបង្អួច! ខ្ញុំបានលាបអាវខ្យល់ក្នុង 8 ពណ៌នៃថ្ងៃលិច "គ្មាននរណាម្នាក់ទេប៉ុន្តែ" ឈ្មោះនៃបង្អួចលាបពណ៌។ បង្អួចនោះ។ បន្ទប់ទឹក Rounde បន្ទាប់មកធ្លាក់ចូលក្នុងជ្រុង .. ខ្ញុំបានយកបក្សីនិងសង្កត់ហើយវាយក្បាលរបស់ខ្ញុំដោយខ្ញុំគិត។ ខ្ញុំឱ្យនាងនៅខាងក្រៅ។


- "ខ្ញុំមានគ្រឿងសង្ហារឹមដែលមានការរចនាពីមេធ្មប់នៅប្រទេសក្រៅខ្ញុំមានផែនទីជាមួយប្រទេសនានាដែលត្រូវចងចាំពីកន្លែងណា។ មិត្តភក្តិរបស់មិត្តរបស់គាត់។

យើងជួបគ្នាមួយដងនៅស្ពានឆ្លងកាត់ស្ពានឈើតូចមួយនិងថ្មខ្លះ។ នៅក្នុងការថយក្រោយ។ យើងស្លៀកពាក់នៅក្នុងរដូវក្តៅហើយនៅតែជានិទាឃរដូវ។

និទាឃរដូវមានកែងជើងមួយដែលបាត់បង់។ ខ្ញុំដើរនៅជើងទទេនៅរដូវក្តៅ។ ចង្វាក់គឺជាក្បាលមួយដែលអាក្រាតដោយក្បាល .Ring ជាមួយក្បាលនិងច្រវាក់ជាមួយនឹងក្បាលនៅចុងបញ្ចប់។ សត្វសត្វដែលគោរពបូជា។ តុក្កតាសត្វដែលថ្វាយបង្គំព្រះបានធ្វើតាមការពិតរបស់យើង។ ភ្នែកនៅក្នុងមួយថ្ងៃដូចជាមិនមានមួយទាំងអស់មានព្រឹត្តិការណ៍មួយ។ ខ្ញុំមិន remeber ថ្ងៃគួរឱ្យធុញ។

គាត់ត្រូវបានគេមើលឃើញថាត្រូវបានគេមើលឃើញជាញឹកញាប់។ ជាច្រើននៃក្ដីស្រឡាញ់, សម្រាកខ្លួនឯងនៅក្នុង testosteron ថាខ្ញុំមានអារម្មណ៍ថាខ្ញុំរស់នៅក្នុងប្រាសាទ, ទ្វារធ្លាក់ចុះកញ្ចក់ទ្វារ, ត្រូវបានទ្វារឈើ, ជាការពិត។
Hited ocean-partII

 nowpel del ngouttuk muoy kamnaet chaul pi khangokraw pit bangauoch,  avei del bangauoch!  khnhom ban leab av khyal knong 8  pnr nei thngailich " kmean norna mneak te bonte"  chhmoh nei bangauoch leab pnr .  bangauoch noh . bantobtuk Rounde  banteabmk thleak chaul knong chroung ..  khnhom ban yk baksaei ning sangkot haey veay kbal robsakhnhom daoy khnhom kit .  khnhom aoy neang now khangokraw .

 tvear pit .

- " khnhom mean krueng sanghea rum del meankar rochnea pi methmob now bratesakraw khnhom mean phenti cheamuoy bratesa neanea del trauv changcham pi kanlengna .  mitt phokte robsa mitt robsa keat .

 yeung chuobaknea muoy dng now span chhlangkat spanchheu tauch muoy ning thm khleah .  nowknong kar thayokraoy .  yeung sliekpeak nowknong rdauv ktaw haey nowte chea niteakhordauv .

 niteakhordauv mean kengcheung muoy del batbng .  khnhom daer now cheungotte now rdauv ktaw .  changveak kuchea kbal muoy del akrat daoy kbal .Ring  cheamuoy kbal ning chravak cheamuoynung kbal now chongobanhchob .  satv satv del korp baucha .  tokkata satv del thvayobangkoum preah ban thveu tamkarpit robsa yeung .  phnek now knong muoyothngai dauchchea min mean muoy teangoasa mean prutte kar muoy .  khnhom min remeber  thngai kuor aoy thounh .

 keatHited ocean-partII

Une fois dans le bain, un oiseau entre de l’extérieur par une fenêtre, quelle fenêtre! peint, conception de l'église.J'en avais un dans l'entrée d'un espace accueillant.J'ai peint la fenêtre en 8 couleurs de coucher de soleil "Ni l'un ni l'autre" nom de fenêtre peinte.Vrai cette fenêtre.La salle de bain ronde, puis est tombée dans un coin .. J'ai pris l'oiseau tout en tenant la marée et je lui ai frappé la tête avec les mains, je pense. Je l'ai laissée à l'extérieur.

Vraie porte.

- "J'ai un meuble avec un dessin d'un pays étranger. J'ai une carte avec les pays à retenir d'où, dit un ami de son ami.

Nous nous rencontrons une fois à un pont maritime, un petit pont en bois et des pierres. Nous nous habillions en été et nous étions encore au printemps.

Le printemps a un talon, perdu.Je marche pieds nus en été..La chaîne était une tête nue avec des têtes.Anneau avec des têtes et des chaînes avec des têtes à la fin.Avec des animaux sauvages adorés.Un documentaire Les animaux adorés passaient vrai notre les yeux dans un jour comme l'un ou l'autre, tous ont un événement. Je ne me souviens pas de jours ennuyeux.

Il a l'habitude d'être vu battu souvent. Beaucoup d'amour, détendez-vous dans testosteron que j'ai le sentiment que j'habite dans le château, les espaces de portes vitrées, étaient en bois, en fait. trauv ban ke meul kheunhtha trauv ban ke meulkheunh chea nhuknheab .  cheachraen nei kdei sraleanh,  samreak khluoneng nowknong testosteron  tha khnhom mean arommo tha khnhom rsanow knong brasaeat,  tvear thleakchoh kanhchok tvear,  trauv ban tvear chheu,  chea karpit .

20 DEN/20 ខែ 20 khe

  sneezes of pass 1 clock.with breasts in a t-shirt that never seat.hapenned different events but not
20 ខែ
20  khe
seat.Neither hair is not never visible,different creams cover arms from back,neck. don't notice hair  and does go to breasts,nipples are not butned.That's a story  ,not important.I s a golden  vew sometimes,depends of sun vbeats in my heart without me having hearts beats,because of beats, i lie.Nails don't look loike hips in movement in nudity.movememt of shoulder,movement of shoulder have nails goes back and forward , !!Pubian hair has a belly doesn't have bell.Pubian hair has almost cartoon.Feet wear new den .Den is almost a name
-"My name is Den  and i don't tpuch your back curves"
 Hair is nort punk is at punk'd more often.Knees are litlle shooted  ,visible in walk,they have hunters.Feet fingers are covered in dust more that other fingers,cruelty of life.
I'm glad that i don't have fat on shouolder ,water drops under abs.Abs have a continuous ,look goprgeous,is a fat that till end will be a bride.ABS AND GAMS WILL SURVIVE IN NECK ROTATION.tILL TOMORW IN ABS AND GAMS.

មិនសូវឃើញមុខទេសក់ទាំងពីរមិនគ្របដណ្តប់ដោយកាំបិតខុសៗគ្នា។ មិនត្រូវកត់សម្គាល់សក់ហើយមិនទៅដោះទេក្បាលសុដន់មិនត្រូវបានលាង។ វាជារឿងមួយមិនមែនជារឿងសំខាន់នោះទេ។ ខ្ញុំមានពណ៌មាសពេលខ្លះវាពឹងផ្អែកលើកំដៅព្រះអាទិត្យនៅក្នុងបេះដូងខ្ញុំដោយគ្មានខ្ញុំមានចង្វាក់បេះដូងដោយសារតែចង្វាក់។ កុំមើលទៅត្រគាកនៅក្នុងចលនានៅក្នុងអាក្រាត .movememt នៃស្មា, ចលនានៃស្មាមានក្រចកត្រឡប់ទៅក្រោយនិងការហៅទូរស័ព្ទ .. ណា!! សក់ Pubian មានក្បាលពោះមិនមានកណ្ដឹង។ សក់ Pubian មានស្ទើរតែ រូបគំនូរតុក្កតាពាក់ណែនថ្មី។ ឌេនស្ទើរតែឈ្មោះ

- "ឈ្មោះរបស់ខ្ញុំគឺ Den ហើយខ្ញុំមិនបង្ហាញខ្សែកោងខ្នងរបស់អ្នកទេ"

 សក់គឺជា punk nort គឺនៅ punk'd ញឹកញាប់ជាង។ Knees គឺ litlle បាញ់, អាចមើលឃើញនៅក្នុងការដើរពួកគេមានអ្នកប្រមាញ់។ ម្រាមដៃម្រាមដៃត្រូវបានគ្របដណ្តប់នៅក្នុងធូលីដីច្រើនជាងម្រាមដៃផ្សេងទៀត, ភាពសាហាវឃោរឃៅនៃជីវិត។

ខ្ញុំរីករាយដែលខ្ញុំមិនមានជាតិខ្លាញ់នៅលើ shouolder, តំណក់ទឹកនៅក្រោម abs.Abs មានបន្ត, មើលទៅ goprgeous, គឺជាជាតិខ្លាញ់ដែលរហូតដល់ចុងបញ្ចប់នឹងត្រូវបានកូនក្រមុំមួយ។ ពពកនិងល្បែងនឹងរស់នៅក្នុងគម្លាត។ ABS និង GAMS
minsauv kheunh moukh te sak teangpir min krob d nt b daoy kabet khosa  knea .  min trauv ktsamkeal sak haey min tow daoh te kbal sodn min trauv ban leang .  vea chea rueng muoy minmen chea rueng saamkhan noh te .  khnhom mean pnr measa pelokhleah vea pungophaek leu kam daw preahatity nowknong behdaung khnhom daoy kmean khnhom mean changveak behdaung daoysaarte changveak .  kom meul tow trakak nowknong chalnea nowknong akrat .movememt  nei sma,  chalnea nei sma mean krachk tralbtow kraoy ning kar haw toursapt ..  na!! sak Pubian  mean kbalpoh min mean kandoeng . sak Pubian  mean staerte  roubkoumnour tokkata peak nen thmei .  de n staerte chhmoh

- " chhmoh robsakhnhom ku Den  haey khnhom min bangheanh khsaekaong khnang robsa anak te"

  sak kuchea punk nort  ku now punk'd  nhuknheab cheang . Knees ku litlle  banh,  ach meulkheunh nowknong kar daer puokke mean anak bramanh .  mreamdai mreamdai trauv ban krob d nt b nowknong thouli dei chraenchang mreamdai phsaengtiet,  pheap sahavkhorkhow nei chivit .

 khnhom rikreay del khnhom min mean cheate khlanh now leu shouolder,  tamnk tuk now kraom abs.Abs  mean bant,  meultow goprgeous,  kuchea cheate khlanh del rhautadl chongobanhchob nung trauv ban kaunokramoum muoy .  popk ning lbeng nung rsanow knong komleat . ABS ning GAMS

segunda-feira, 4 de março de 2019


There was a night with shiny stars ,buildings build surounded  with steal.6 people was passing across a streetas day by day ,they used to wear different objects in pockets.Use to wear  different haircuts.Use to have others dreams.Once yhey eat together, afriend died,was not a close friend.They use to drink and chat in evenings.Have the gifts to close different spaces to sufocate insides.They walk or no fast.They don't cry.
Once eat at night  and have stomomachal problems.Mornings are not very happy.Spaces have questiobs.Games palyed online sound loud in a room.Shower is extra much,water drwan a sink .Make-upscover closets.Drawers are never empty.No one remember when read last time a book.They were 6

មានរាត្រីដែលមានផ្កាយភ្លឺចិញ្ចាចចិញ្ចែងសាងសង់ឡើងដោយមានមនុស្ស 6 នាក់បានឆ្លងកាត់តាមចិញ្ចើមថ្នល់ជារៀងរាល់ថ្ងៃពួកគេធ្លាប់ស្លៀកសម្លៀកបំពាក់ខុសៗគ្នានៅក្នុងហោប៉ៅ។ ប្រើសក់កាត់ផ្សេងគ្នា។ ប្រើដើម្បីឱ្យអ្នកដទៃសុបិន្ត។ មិត្ដភក្រ្ដបានស្លាប់ហើយមិត្ដភក្ដិជិតស្និទ្ធ។ ពួកគេប្រើដើម្បីផឹកនិងជជែកគ្នានៅពេលល្ងាច។ មានអំណោយដើម្បីបិទទ្វារផ្សេងដើម្បីបោសសំអាតខាងក្នុង។ ពួកគេដើរឬមិនរហ័ស។ ពួកគេមិនយំទេ។

ពេលញ៉ាំនៅពេលយប់និងមានបញ្ហាឈឺក្បាល។ ពេលថ្ងៃមិនសូវសប្បាយទេ។ ចន្លោះមាន questiobs.Games ស្រូបយកសំឡេងតាមអ៊ីនធឺណែតយ៉ាងខ្លាំងនៅក្នុងបន្ទប់។ ភាពស្រវាសទាញច្រើនហួសប្រមាណហើយទឹកក៏ជន់លិចដែរ។ ការស្ទូចត្រីមិនត្រូវទទេទេ។ គ្មាននរណាម្នាក់ទេ។ ចងចាំនៅពេលអានពេលវេលាសៀវភៅចុងក្រោយ។ ពួកគេមានអាយុ 6 ឆ្នាំ។

 mean reatrei del mean phkay phlu chenhchach chenhcheng sangosang laeng daoy mean mnoussa 6  neak ban chhlangkat tam chenhcheumothnal chea riengrealthngai puokke thleab sliek samliekbampeak khosa  knea nowknong haobaw .  brae sak kat phsaengoknea .  brae daembi aoy anakadtei so be nt .  mi td ph kr d ban slab haey mi td phokde chitasnetth .  puokke brae daembi phoek ning chchekaknea now pelolngeach .  mean amnaoy daembi betotvear phsaeng daembi baosasaamat khangoknong .  puokke daer ryy min rhsa .  puokke min yom te .

 pel nhoam now peloyb ning mean banhhea chhukbeal .  pelothngai minsauv sabbay te .  chanloh mean questiobs.Games  sraub yk saamleng tam ai n thu ne t yeang khlang nowknong bantob .  pheap srava sa teanh chraen huosabraman haey tuk ka chn lich der .  kar stauchatrei min trauv tte te .  kmean norna mneak te .  changcham nowpel an pelvelea sievphow chongokraoy .  puokke mean ayou 6  chhnam .

Winds flames

  Winds flames
A ugly dog.300$ were in a place that will arrive,nails have forgoten paint.Another 500$ will arrive ,after a pool game.They  awere 1700$ and a drink is without comercial and is alcoholic.
Next year after new year  ,they were some rains.clouds,winter frozen.some escapes on the streets ,feels like drawning.A rain passes again.summmer has heat at night.700$ after mix of pens,another400$ can't have night night and borig and a music that died was resorected,and was alive.A dancer was a dancer.with sunset  has roadsanother don't.2 don't one does.
In a evening some fountains probably had water sounds without beeing passed.Outside not loud streert,500 $ havehave winter sounds without bells maybe gingle bells.almost 6000$killed autumn walks withotu arrivals in stars.


សត្វឆ្កែមួយដែលឆ្កួតតម្លៃ $ 300 នៅកន្លែងដែលនឹងមកដល់ក្រចកបានបំភ្លេចគំនូរ។ ប្រាក់ 500 ដុល្លារផ្សេងទៀតនឹងមកដល់បន្ទាប់ពីលេងអាងហែលទឹកមួយ។ ពួកគេទទួលបានប្រាក់ 1700 ដុល្លារហើយភេសជ្ជៈមួយគឺមិនមានរឿងកំប៉េះគំរាមហើយមានជាតិអាល់កុល។

នៅឆ្នាំក្រោយបន្ទាប់ពីឆ្នាំថ្មីពួកគេមានភ្លៀងធ្លាក់មួយចំនួន។ រដូវរងារត្រជាក់។ នៅតាមដងផ្លូវមានភ្លៀងធ្លាក់។ មានភ្លៀងធ្លាក់ម្ដងទៀត។ រាត្រីរាត្រីនិងបុរៈនិងតន្ត្រីដែលបានស្លាប់ត្រូវបានចិញ្ចឹមជីវិតហើយនៅរស់។ អ្នករាំគឺជាអ្នករាំ។ មានជើងភ្នំដែលមិនមាន។

នៅពេលល្ងាចទឹកទន្លេខ្លះប្រហែលជាមានសំលេងទឹកដោយមិនត្រូវបានឆ្លងកាត់។ នៅខាងក្រៅមិនមានសម្លេងខ្លាំងទេតំលៃ 500 ដូល្លារដោយគ្មានកណ្ដឹងប្រហែលជាកណ្តឹង។

 satv chhke muoy del chhkuot tamlei $ 300  nowkanleng del nung mokadl krachk ban bamphlech koumnour . brak 500  dollar phsaengtiet nung mokadl banteabpi leng angheltuk muoy .  puokke ttuol ban brak 1700  dollar haey phesachch muoy ku min mean rueng kambeh koumream haey mean cheate alkol .

 now chhnakraoy banteabpi chhnam thmei puokke mean phlieng thleak muoychamnuon .  rdauvornga r trachak .  now tam dangophlauv mean phlieng thleak .  mean phlieng thleak mdongtiet .  reatrei reatrei ning bo r ning tantrei del ban slab trauv ban chenhchumchivit haey now rsa .  anak roam kuchea anak roam .  mean cheungophnom del min mean .

 now pelolngeach tukatonle khleah brahelcha mean saam leng tuk daoy min trauv ban chhlangkat .  now khangokraw min meanosamleng khlang te tamlei 500  dau llea r daoy kmean kandoeng brahelcha k ntoe ng .