sábado, 16 de março de 2019

Hitted ocean partIII

នៅពេលយប់ត្រូវបាន sseen កន្ទុយឆ្លងកាត់ .we vivst cabi មួយ។ យើងបានមកវិញ!

នៅលើអាកាសគឺជាពេលវេលាដែលបានកន្លងផុតទៅគ្មាននរណាម្នាក់ត្រូវបានគេស្រឡាញ់ឡើយ។ ខ្ញុំទទួលបានក្លិនដូចទឹកដែលត្រូវបានជន់លិចដោយឧស្ម័ន។

ខ្ញុំស្លៀកពាក់ឧស្ម័ន។ ខ្មៅនៅពេលខ្ញុំទទួលទានក្រែមធ្វើពីផ្លែត្រឺរី cherry ពណ៌ខ្មៅ។

ឱសថដែលនៅក្នុងឱសថមួយ។ ខ្ញុំមានបណ្តាសានៃការដេកជាមួយខ្យល់ឧស្ម័ន។ ខ្ញុំជក់បារីលេខសម្គាល់នៅលើនិងការជក់បារី។


កណ្តឹងពីអ្នកជិតខាងនៅពេលពួកគេប្រយុទ្ធវាយប្រហារសមាធិរបស់ខ្ញុំ។ មាន clinket ជិតផ្ទះបាយតារាងនិងវាយ។

jewleries ទាំងអស់ត្រូវបាន engraed ជាមួយ endertainments របស់យើង។ សត្វមានតំលៃថ្លៃជាមួយ sprite ។


ខោខូវបែកជាមួយបទចម្រៀងមួយដែលមានលក្ខណៈពិសេសពិសេស។ ពួកគេត្រូវបានគេធ្វើឱ្យចំណាប់អារម្មណ៍ដៃធ្វើឡើង, ដៃបានអនុម័ត។
now peloyb trauv ban sseen  kantouy chhlangkat .we vivst cabi  muoy .  yeung ban mokvinh!

 now leu akasa kuchea pelvelea del ban kanlong phot tow kmean norna mneak trauv ban ke sraleanh laey .  khnhom ttuol ban klen dauch tuk del trauv ban chn lich daoy usmn .

 khnhom sliekpeak usmn .  khmaw nowpel khnhom ttuoltean krem thveu pi phle treu ri cherry  pnrkhmaw .

 aosath del nowknong aosath muoy .  khnhom mean b nta sa nei kar dek cheamuoy khyal usmn .  khnhom chkbari lekh samkeal now leu ning kar chkbari .

 khnhom pyeayeam rsanow kber samoutr .

 k ntoe ng pi anakchitkheang nowpel puokke brayoutth veayobrahear sameathi robsakhnhom . mean clinket  chit phteahbay tarang ning veay .

jewleries  teangoasa trauv ban engraed cheamuoy endertainments  robsa yeung .  satv mean tamlei thlai cheamuoy sprite  .

 now leu ok kuchea karoanounhnhat aoy bradeab bradea kmeng leng .

 khao kIn the night was sseen a fox passing.we vivst a cabi.We arrived back!
In the air is smee of passed night. I get, smells like water, that was flooded with gas.

I dress gas.bLACK WHEN I GET USE cream made from cherry, black cherry.

The herbs that are in a pharmaceutica .I have a curse of sleeping with air wioth gas.I smoke, do not smoke.

I stioll live close to the sea.

bells from neighbors when they fight, hit my meditation.have a clinket close to a kitchen table and hit.

jewleries are all engraved with our endertainments.Feel expensive with sprite.

On the chess was a let to toy.Coulour is greu, cheww was black and white.

WEE ENGRAVED WITH A SONG BEHIND SPECIALTY CRAVE. They were ususal things hand made, hand passed
 In der Luft ist eine Nacht vergangen. Ich bekomme, riecht nach Wasser, das mit Gas geflutet wurde.

Ich ziehe Gas an. SCHWARZ, WENN ICH BENUTZE Creme aus Kirsche, Schwarzkirsche.

Die Kräuter, die in einem Arzneimittel sind. Ich habe einen Fluch des Schlafens mit Luft mit Gas. Ich rauche, rauche nicht.

Ich lebe in der Nähe des Meeres.

Glocken von Nachbarn, wenn sie kämpfen, schlagen meine Meditation. Habe einen Klinker in der Nähe eines Küchentisches und drücke.

Alle Schmuckstücke sind mit unseren Belohnungen graviert. Fühlen Sie sich mit Sprite teuer.

Auf dem Schach war ein Spielzeug zu haben. Farbe ist grau, Kauen war schwarz und weiß.

Wir haben uns mit einem Lied hinter der Spezialität CRAVE eingraviert. Es waren übliche Dinge, die von Hand gemacht und übergeben wurden
Dans la nuit, on voyait passer un renard. On vivait un taxi. Nous sommes rentrés!

Dans l'air, c'est comme la nuit passée. J'ai une odeur d'eau qui a été inondée de gaz.

Je m'habille au gas.bLACK QUAND JE SUIS UTILISER une crème à base de cerise, cerise noire.

Les herbes qui sont dans une pharmacie. J'ai la malédiction de dormir avec de l'air gazeux.Je fume, ne fume pas.

Je vis près de la mer.

les cloches des voisins quand ils se battent, frappent ma méditation.avoir un clinket près d'une table de cuisine et frapper.

les bijoux sont tous gravés avec nos endertainments.Feel cher avec sprite.

Sur les échecs, on laissait jouer. La couleur est greu, cheww était en noir et blanc.

WEE GRAVÉ AVEC UNE CHANSON DERRIÈRE SPECIALTY CRAVE. C'étaient des choses d'usage faites à la main, passées à la main.
 In the night was sseen a fox passing.we vivst a cabi.We arrived back!

In the air is smee of passed night. I get, smells like water, that was flooded with gas.

I dress gas.bLACK WHEN I GET USE cream made from cherry, black cherry.

The herbs that are in a pharmaceutica .I have a curse of sleeping with air wioth gas.I smoke, do not smoke.

I stioll live close to the sea.

bells from neighbors when they fight, hit my meditation.have a clinket close to a kitchen table and hit.

jewleries are all engraved with our endertainments.Feel expensive with sprite.

On the chess was a let to toy.Coulour is greu, cheww was black and white.

WEE ENGRAVED WITH A SONG BEHIND SPECIALTY CRAVE. They were ususal things hand made, hand passed.

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