sexta-feira, 30 de agosto de 2019

hitted ocean xxxvi

Reflexes of water colours of paints with me all over.
I count over 50 in any sunlight sunrise lights.I resaw them.A call from the mair wakes -up all
buildings across the street happened a licq,were plummers widraw a dolls from a theatre acting.Building with setlled refugee .I mean play theatre at night in evening.Glasses flowers tables,cakes,structural arhitecures,invitation,candles,menus.A marriage after a thatre represenation with fireworks ,music,lights and politicians,congratulate opening and arrival/

Reflexe von Wasserfarben von Farben mit mir überall.

Ich zähle über 50 in jedem Sonnenlicht Sonnenaufgang Lichter. Ich schneide sie erneut. Ein Anruf aus dem Mair weckt alle

Gebäude auf der anderen Straßenseite passiert ein licq, waren Plummer widraw Puppen aus einem Theater Schauspiel. Gebäude mit festgefahrenen Flüchtling. Ich meine Theater spielen in der Nacht am Abend. Gläser Blumen Tische, Kuchen, strukturelle Arhitecures, Einladung, Kerzen, Menüs. Eine Ehe nach eine thatre repräsentation mit feuerwerk, musik, lichtern und politikern, gratuliere eröffnung und ankunft /


ខ្ញុំរាប់ជាង ៥០ នាក់នៅក្នុងពន្លឺព្រះអាទិត្យដែលកំពុងរះ។ ខ្ញុំបានការពារពួកគេ។

អគារនៅតាមដងផ្លូវបានកើតឡើង licq មួយត្រូវបានគេ plummer widraw តុក្កតាមួយពីល្ខោនសម្ដែងមួយ។ ការបង្កើតជាមួយជនភៀសខ្លួនដែលបានរៀបចំ។ ការតបស្នងសងគុណវិញជាមួយនឹងកាំជ្រួចតន្ត្រីពន្លឺនិងអ្នកនយោបាយអបអរសាទរការបើកនិងមកដល់ /
kar chhlohbanhcheang pnr tuk thnaleab cheamuoy khnhom krobtisati .

 khnhom reab cheang  50  neak nowknong ponlu preahatity del kampoung reah .  khnhom ban karpar puokke .

 akear now tam dangophlauv ban kaetlaeng licq  muoy trauv ban ke plummer widraw  tokkata muoy pi lkhon samdeng muoy .  kar bangkeut cheamuoy chonphiesakhluon del ban riebcham .  kar tabasnangosangkoun vinh cheamuoynung kachruoch tantrei ponlu ning anak nyobeay abaarsatr kar baek ning mokadl /

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