quarta-feira, 2 de outubro de 2019

hitted ocean XLIV

J'ai vu le tatouage "mon visage" sur une candidate à Hon Chin, sur une candidate à la beauté..Je suis allé au-delà de la scène et un exacutiv

 m'a fait signer des papiers pour eux.J'aidais son cours n ° 32. avec des papiers.

son étude s'intitulait "Le temps de la guerre avec les reptiles jaunes" .Explosifs contre ses propres attitudes.Je change son uniforme pour les anciens arrivants en gris.Starts

au soir à partir de 18 heures, lorsque nous répétons "La série de particules de feu cuites et volées" après "La particule de feu fondue"

Nous retrouvons différentes particules de feu.Nous retournons sur la route où nous avons inventé la "particule de feu ambulante".

  i saw the tattoo "my face" on a candidate to Hon Chin, on a candidate for beauty..I went beyond the stage and exacutiv

 made me sign papers for them. I helped his class n ° 32 with papers.

his study was entitled "The time of the war with yellow reptiles" .Explosive against his own attitudes.I change his uniform for the old arrivals in gray.Starts

in the evening from 18 hours, when we repeat "The series of fire particles cooked and stolen" after "The particle of fire melted"

We find different particles of fire.We return to the road where we invented the "fire particle fire".
បានឃើញស្នាមសាក់ "មុខខ្ញុំ" លើបេក្ខជនទៅហុនជិនដែលជាបេក្ខជនដើម្បីសម្រស់។ ខ្ញុំបានទៅហួសឆាកនិងភាពទាក់ទាញ

 ធ្វើឱ្យខ្ញុំចុះហត្ថលេខាលើឯកសារសម្រាប់ពួកគេ។ ខ្ញុំបានជួយថ្នាក់របស់គាត់លេខ ៣២ ជាមួយនឹងក្រដាស។

ការសិក្សារបស់គាត់មានចំណងជើងថា "ពេលវេលានៃសង្គ្រាមជាមួយសត្វល្មូនពណ៌លឿង" ។ ឧទាហរណ៍ប្រឆាំងនឹងឥរិយាបថរបស់គាត់។ ខ្ញុំផ្លាស់ប្តូរឯកសណ្ឋានរបស់គាត់សម្រាប់ការមកដល់ចាស់នៅក្នុងពណ៌ប្រផេះ។

នៅពេលល្ងាចចាប់ពី ១៨ ម៉ោងនៅពេលយើងនិយាយឡើងវិញនូវភាគនៃភ្លើងឆេះនិងលួចបន្ទាប់ពី "ភាគល្អិតនៃភ្លើងបានរលាយ"

យើងរកឃើញភាគល្អិតផ្សេងៗគ្នានៃអគ្គិភ័យ។ យើងត្រលប់ទៅផ្លូវដែលយើងបានបង្កើត "ភាគល្អិតភ្លើងឆេះ" ។
bankheunh snam sak " moukh khnhom"  leu bekkhachn tow ho n chin del chea bekkhachn daembi samrosa .  khnhom ban tow huosa chak ning pheap teakteanh

  thveu aoy khnhom chohhatthalekhea leu eksar samreab puokke .  khnhom ban chuoy thnak robsa keat lekh  32  cheamuoynung kradeasa .

 karseksaea robsa keat mean chamnangcheung tha " pelvelea nei sangkream cheamuoy satv lmoun pnrlueng"  .  uteahar brachheang nung iriyeabth robsa keat .  khnhom phlasa btau r ekasanthan robsa keat samreab kar mokadl chasa nowknong pnrbrapheh .

 now pelolngeach chabpi  18  maong nowpel yeung niyeay laengvinh nouv pheak nei phleung cheh ning luoch banteabpi " pheakolait nei phleung ban rleay"

 yeung rk kheunh pheakolait phsaeng  knea nei akkiphy .  yeung tralb tow phlauv del yeung ban bangkeut " pheakolait phleung cheh"  .

Ich habe das Tatto "Tatto my face" bei einem Miss-Contestant in Hon Chin gesehen, bei einem Beauty-Contestant
 Ich habe seinem Kurs Nr. 32 mit Papieren geholfen.
Seine Studie hieß "Die Zeit des Krieges mit gelben Reptilien". Sprengstoff gegen seine eigenen Einstellungen. Ich tausche seine Uniform gegen alte Ankömmlinge in Grau
Abends ab 18 Uhr, wenn wir "Die Reihe der geflogenen und gekochten Feuerteile" nach "Das geschmolzene Feuerteilchen" wiederholen
Am Ende haben wir verschiedene Feuerpartikel. Wir sind wieder auf der Straße, wo wir "wandelnde Feuerpartikel" erfunden haben.

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